Fresh start in 2018!

This year is all about starting over with a clean slate. I went back to Weight Watchers, started the #50wordsadaychallenge, and received the exciting news […]

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St. Augustine Ghost Story

This summer I realized a long time dream by staying at the historic Casablanca Inn in St. Augustine, Florida. I’ve visited many times and gone […]

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The Power Within

In October 1995, I tested for my first degree (dan) black belt in Tae Kwon Do. The final requirement at the end of the test […]

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The Dreaded Resolution

Every New Year, I think about what I want to accomplish. Yes, the dreaded resolution. Last year, it was simply to be more positive. It’s […]

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Focus on the Process

I’m a goal oriented person. I believe in making small, realistic goals I can easily achieve. However, I also have bigger, long term goals that […]

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Days of Summer Past

I was a kid back in the 1970’s in Florida. I spent a lot of time at my Grandmother’s house in the summertime. She had […]

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Tag, you’re it!

So, I’ve been tagged. Fellow writer and friend, Debra Jess, wants answers to some questions. Read her post here: Now you can check out my answers: […]

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