To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven….
-Ecclesiastes 3:1
This verse resonates with me. I’ve reached a point in my life where children are growing up, moving out, and creating their own lives and families. It’s bittersweet. On one hand, I’m happy and excited to see this occur, and on the other, I miss those little hands in mine.
My main job and identity has been mother. And under the title of “mom†there are many roles to fill. I used to tease my husband by telling him that if I died, he’d go broke trying to hire enough people to replace me.
I remember attending a workshop that still speaks to me. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the presenter’s name, but her words stuck with me. She said, “If I’d published my first book at the time I first submitted it, I’d have been a one book wonder.†I’m paraphrasing because I don’t have the exact words. But that’s very close.
She went on to discuss how at that time, her life would not have permitted her to give the attention to a writing career necessary to be successful. Looking back, she was thankful for the way things turned out. When her writing contract finally arrived, it was at a time she could devote herself to her craft.
I’ve consoled myself with this on multiple occasions and I’ve heard this sentiment repeated by at least two other authors I know. But, I have to admit to wondering when my time will come. It feels as though I’ve been waiting forever. Some things truly are out of our control. I trust that someone with much more infinite wisdom than I will choose the right time.
As long as we’re quoting: “Never give in–never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. †Winston Churchill
I like it! Thanks, Ruth.
Great blog! I am with you on both counts, Jan. Empty nest is a huge adjustment and then widowhood adds a loneliness that I still haven’t found out how to deal with even seven years later. As for writing, it is such a crazy business! I have sold seven books and yet haven’t sold a word again in two years. But who’s counting?? LOL I truly, truly believe your time is right around the corner. You are a GOOD writer. And if the NY publishers continue to drag their heels then maybe you can get your work together and do ebooks. You will see your books for sale. I believe it. I truly do.
Thank you, Diane. We all go through different seasons of life, some more difficult than others. That’s why friends like you are so important and our faith. I see many more books in your future. I was blown away by your last one and know the best is yet to come!
There are so many good quotes for waiting and working toward the right time: “With age comes wisdom”, or “How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice, practice,” but my favorite is “Never give up, never surrender”.
Thanks, Deb. I’m still in the fight.
Good blog, Jan. I know for a fact that there is NO WAY I’d be doing what I’m doing if I had kids at home – or was still teaching full time. I know you will be published and you will treasure 2 things at the time: 1. That you have the time to give yourself fully because your kids are out spreading their wings. And 2. You will wonder what that “empty nest thing” is all about because you will be so busy with the next chapter of your life: Published Author. And your kids will LOVE IT! They will be thrilled for you that you’ve found a new passion and that you’re so deliciously busy that you don’t have time to worry about them. Just don’t forget to send cookies now and then between edits, Mom!
P.S. Personally, I take advice from cars with Salt Life bumper stickers: NEVER QUIT!
Quitting is not an option, Heather. Thanks so much.
Great blog, Jan. Love that verse in Ecclesiastes and appreciate all the wisdom others have also posted. When I get frustrated, feeling like I’m spending way too much time in “God’s waiting room,” I remember the long-ago words of a dear pastor who said, “Just like Joseph, sometimes we all spend time in God’s waiting room. So how are you spending your waiting time? Preparing for what’s next? or Complaining?” Yikes. I do my best to prepare and not complain, but the waiting is still hard. 🙂 Hang in there. Your time is coming!
Thanks, Connie. I agree with all you said. We are usually on the same page. =)
“Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.â€
― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
Couldn’t resist adding a quote. Great post, Jan. I know for a fact your day will come. You are a wonderful writer and a cheerleader for so many others. Keep the faith my friend.
Thank you, Carla. Your time will come as well. You have many stories to tell!
Hang in there, Jan. You are achieving much success each day by bringing sunlight, hope, and guidance to others. Keep honing your skills each day and growing in your genre. Glo
Thank you, Gloria. I miss your smiling face. Hope to see you at a VCRW meeting very soon!
I remember that author saying that (tho I don’t recall her name either.) And the other quotes should be taken to heart. (I really like Winnie the Pooh’s quote.)
I have confidence in you, Jan. You are a born storyteller, and I’m sure a publisher will recognize that one of these days.
Thanks, Martha. Still working on it.